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New Facebook Features

In this post, Blue Door Consulting’s Leah Van Rooy talks about the new features Facebook rolled out for business pages-

 Leah Van Rooy | Social MediaIf you haven’t already heard, Facebook rolled out some new features for business pages yesterday.  You now have the ability to assign different levels of access to page admins and you can also schedule future posts within the Facebook platform. See details below:

Admin Access Levels

Business pages now have the ability to assign different levels of access to admins of the page. How may this be useful? If a company has one person doing monitoring, another posting daily status updates and someone else making page edits, this new feature will allow businesses to essentially provide different levels of ‘clearance’ to each admin depending on his or her roleSo the person in charge of placing Facebook ads for your company won’t automatically have access to change the profile picture and change page settings. It no longer has to be all or nothing. Facebook provided a chart that breaks down what access capabilities are associated with the 5 different admin levels. See below:

Scheduling Future Posts

The other feature rolled out by Facebook is the ability to create and schedule posts in advance. This was something businesses always had to use a third-party app to accomplish in the past. Now this capability is available directly on the Facebook platform! Simply create your post and instead of pushing the ‘Post’ button, select the clock icon that is now visible on the bottom-left side of the status screen (see below). Click that button and schedule when you want the post to be published on your page’s timeline. Easy peasy!
If you have any questions about these new features, add your comment below, give me a call (920) 230-2583 or drop me an email (
       —   Leah

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